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Information & Handbook

Program Information

As a program, we are committed to providing the best environment for our student-athletes tto learn and grow as players and as people. 

Our Mission


Coaching Staff & Administration

  • VARSITY - Mike Shebuski and David Graham
  • JV - Matt Wagner
  • B - Mark Hunter
  • 9 - Krishanu Das 
  • Principal - Dr. John Bezek
  • Activities Director - Jeff Marshall
  • Assistant Activities Director - Beth Fuller
  • Activities Assistant - Heather Pierson    
  • Activities Assistant - Lauren Albrecht
  • Certified Athletic Trainer - Liz Cervenka

Program Structure

We currently have 4 Prior Lake High School Boys Soccer teams:  Varsity, Junior Varsity, B, & 9.  Placement on these teams depends on the number of players attending tryouts from each grade level. Our goal is to create rosters of 18 players at each level.  The Varsity team is our most competitive level.  The JV, 10, and 9 teams are filled based on numbers at each grade level.  Please note that the numbers dictate how the other teams are formed - teams are not created in the same manner as club teams.


All players must be registered for fall sports/activities and have an updated physical on file to participate in tryouts.  All questions regarding registration should be directed to the Activities Office.

Gap year 8th graders

For club soccer (outside of high school), teams are created by birth year.  This creates a group of older 8th graders that, based on birth year, play on club teams with 9th graders that will be involved in high school programs.  Some clubs provide an option for gap year players during the fall of their 8th grade year when their teammates involved in the high school season.  

We often have gap year players inquire about trying out for the high school program.  Since we cannot guarantee a place on a team to any players, our policy has been to provide spots on the Prior Lake High School teams to our Prior Lake High School student-athletes first.  Gap year 8th graders can choose to attend tryouts and would be considered for the varsity team if that level was appropriate, but would only be placed on a 9/10/JV team if there was room on the roster.  We will not remove a player from a 9/10/JV roster in favor of an 8th grader regardless of skill level.

Team Meetings

Team Meetings will be held on the second Monday of the season.  This will give you a chance to meet the team coach, talk about the schedule, discuss specifics procedures/expectations for the team, and hear from the Boosters about volunteer opportunities as well.

School/Team Policies


All boys soccer student-athletes are expected to abide by the Academic Policy outlined by PLHS and the Activities Department.  Grade checks will be used to check for progress.

We value the academic success of our student-athletes.  If there are any academic concerns, those must be address immediately – be proactive and talk to teachers, coaches, guidance counselors and others that are in place to help.  Any student-athletes struggling academically, or failing any classes at grade checks during the season, may be held out of practices/games until adequate progress is made


Student-athletes must meet school attendance requirements to participate in activities and athletics.  Unexcused absences or accumulation of tardies may result in students being held from practice/competition.  

Please communicate with your team coach if you are able when absent or if you know of an upcoming absence.  Players should be the ones making coaches aware of conflicts.  It is the players’ responsibility to know their eligibility each day and to take care of any issues.

Absences are dealt with by the coaches on an individual basis.


Players that accept spots on any of the teams in the Prior Lake Boys Soccer Program are expected to be fully committed to attending all practices, games, and team events.  Any issues with this should be addressed prior to tryouts/team placement.


All practices are considered mandatory.  Practices take place on non-game days once school has started - there are no program events on Sundays.  Preseason practice times can be found on the calendar on the website.  Players can expect to have practices on Saturdays (including holiday weekends) during our short fall season.  Practices at different levels may also include time for leadership, team meetings, film, and more.


The Prior Lake Boys Soccer Program will be in accordance with Prior Lake High School policies as approved by the School Board when dealing with any chemical violations.  Players are expected to remain chemically free.  Zero tolerance policy on this issue.


Letters are awarded to contributing Varsity team members and seniors that have participated in soccer during their entire career at Prior Lake High School.  Ultimately, coaches have the final decision for player that will letter, but the following guidelines are used:

  1. Varsity team member for the majority of the season with playing time in at least 50% of the varsity games.
  2. Abides by all behavior expectations and remains in good-standing (off- season included).
  3. Participates in the program for their entire high school career and meets behavior expectations as mentioned above.
  4. Coaches’ discretion will be used to award a letter to any other participant not meeting above criteria.


All players are encouraged to ride the team bus both ways for away games.  Specifics on transportation policies will be covered at team meetings.  To stress the importance of being connected and communicating, we encourage student-athletes not to be on phones and other electronic devices during team bus rides. 


Student-athletes are encouraged to exercise the utmost caution when participating in any form of social media or online communications, both within the PLHS community and beyond.  This note is meant to protect students from unintended consequences and remind them to think about how they are engaging and interacting with others via social media.

Player Evaluation & Team Placement

Play because you love playing – work hard and enjoy the opportunity

When selecting the Varsity team, we want players that fit the desired culture of the boys’ soccer program and represent the program in the right way.  We try to help players understand what we are looking for every chance we get - those willing to be vulnerable and let people know they care, those willing to connect and understand that connection comes before leadership, and those that are willing to put the team first and make decisions accordingly.  For all levels, team placement will not be based solely on individual skill.  The following are questions that guide our team selection process:

  • Is this player able to meet the standards that are set for the program?
  • Can this player perform from a technical, physical, and tactical perspective in the position we need them to?  This question can often be a big factor in our decisions at the varsity level.  Speed of play, which includes speed of thought and ability to execute, along with cognitive understanding of the game, especially the importance of space in relation to your teammates, your opponents, and the ball.
  • Is this player willing and able to contribute to the team, beyond their physical and technical role?
    • Will they encourage others?
    • Will they support their team members?
    • Will they do more than their fair share, even when not asked to?
    • Are they positive?
    • Will they put the team first?
  • Is this athlete willing and able to perform their role for the entire season?
  • What affect does the athlete have on the team dynamic?  Do they bring out the best in others?  Do they tend to bring others down?


More information and specifics regarding the tryout process will be provided at the fall sports/activities meeting taking place on the evening of the first day of tryouts.  Here’s some general information regarding tryouts and our general plan for the first week:

  • All players attending tryouts should plan to be present at all tryout sessions for their grade during the first week.
  • Players will start in grade groups on the first day – we hope to group 9th & 10th graders and the 11th & 12th graders (10th graders that are returning Varsity/JV players will attend the 11th & 12th grade sessions).  Splitting up groups allows all the coaches to see all the players, which helps us in the decision-making process.  We may move some players around to see players competing with various groups. 
  • The first few days are going to be filled with various small-sided games so that coaches can observe and determine how we see the players fitting together on teams.  Coaches may jump in to point something out and see how players respond/react/adjust, but ultimately the first few days are opportunities for us to see everyone play. 
  • Our goal is to start making decision on teams on Wednesday and have teams set an announced by Thursday/Friday (weather permitting).  We will try to talk to players individually on Wednesday and Thursday and let them know if we are going to be able to place them on a team.  Any player that is not placed on a team will receive a full refund of the registration fee and have the opportunity to join a different sport/activity if they choose to do so. 

*Please note – team selection can be the most challenging and difficult part of high school sports.  Unfortunately, the reality is we are often unable to place all players on teams.  We understand the emotion associated with these decisions and do not take them lightly.  We approach team selection and notification very seriously.  We promise to treat all players with the utmost respect in our conversations and ask you do the same with us.  We know not everyone will agree with our decisions; we select TEAMS of student-athletes that we feel will give us the best opportunity to compete at the desired levels based on what we've seen.  We're not asking you to agree with us, but asking that you approach the situation with an understanding that everyone will not end up where they want - which presents a perfect opportunity to talk about resilience and perseverance.  

What's Expected of a Laker Soccer Parent/Fan

In order to make this season as positive as possible, we ask for certain things from the parents of the student-athletes as well.  As parents, here’s how you can help:

  • Make note of important dates
  • Encourage and use proper lines of communication – encourage players to have conversations. 
  • Be positive - at home, in the car, and in the stands (I love to watch you play)
  • Provide/support a chemically-free social alternative for your son as well as his teammates
  • Encourage your son to pay attention to constant feedback provided, be active, and work hard every time they take the field
  • Encourage your son to take full advantage of any opportunity to make himself better
  • Promote positive growth characteristics - good sportsmanship, strong work ethic, respect, dedication, commitment, responsibility, and positive self-image

Cheer the boys on…more importantly come to the games and cheer on good soccer.  Other teams do great things and we can acknowledge that.  Ask your son about their performance, their teams’ performance, the things they did well, the things they could improve on, etc.  Don’t make statistics a priority.


Boys Soccer Website

The Prior Lake Soccer Boys Website has been created as a communication tool where parents and student-athletes can find information regarding the program.  Important notices, forms, dates, and more can be found on the website.  Also included is a developing History of Prior Lake Soccer section that players can look back on as they move on. 

South Suburban Conference Website/Calendar – Game schedules are available through the South Suburban Conference website, which is updated by the Athletic Departments of the participating schools.  Any updates and changes will be reflected on these online schedules as soon as possible.  Parents are encouraged to register using the “Notify Me” option located on the schedules page which will send e-mails out prior to events as well as when immediately when changes are made to the schedule.

PL Boys Soccer Booster Club - Parent Volunteer Organization

The Boys Soccer Booster Club plays an integral role in allowing the program to function and the coaches and players to focus on practices and games.  The Boosters have a lot of responsibilities dealing with program and team events (kickoff, Senior Night, end of the year banquet, etc.), fundraising, concessions, and much more.

We ask that ALL parents get involved with the Booster Club and help however they can

Please be sure to sign up to volunteer and/or contact the Boosters and ask what you can do to help.

Every player will benefit from the work of the Booster Club, therefore we hope everyone is able to find the time to volunteer.  We are hoping that the work can be shared by all so that players are provided the best possible situation and their coaches can focus on helping the players improve rather than trying to find enough people to help run an event.

In order to help open the lines of communications between the levels and address the wants and needs of all those involved in the program, we are asking that each team select a Parent Representative that can attend Booster Club meetings and communicate the information to the parents of the players at each of these levels.  This Booster Parent Rep will be responsible for filling the volunteer positions needed from each level, and communicating with the parents of their respective team in order to share the thoughts/ideas/issues that parents may have.

Each team is also asked to have someone volunteer as a photographer – someone that can get pictures at games and provide access to all parents as well as coaches/boosters for use throughout the year.

More information regarding the Boys Soccer Booster Club will be discussed at the team meetings once teams are selected